Agnitech POS Software


Gas Station Back Office Software Tutorial


    We’ve put a lot of effort into making EzGasStation software as user-friendly as possible. However, some foundational knowledge is still required to set it up and use it effectively, without needing to jump between different screens to complete tasks. This involves configuring key settings before getting started. Below are a few essential instructions for the configurations you’ll need to set up in advance.

    1. POS Polling FTP Settings:

      This is to configure the FTP settings of the FTP server used to store the fuel and store sales by the POS system you use at your station. Our software can import data from version 3.3 of files produced by the Gilbarco POS system. Here are the steps to configure these settings:

      Please note that we do not offer support for setting up your FTP server or configuring the Gilbarco software to generate POS data files. You will need to consult with or hire a network professional to assist you with these tasks.

      - From the home screen, click the "Settings" button in the top-left corner of the screen.
      - Click the "POS Polling FTP Settings" button
      - Enter the following information:

      - Input Folder Path: The relative folder path where the POS stores the files it generates (e.g., /gilbarco/data).
      - Error Folder Path: The relative folder path where files that cannot be read or parsed will be moved (e.g., /gilbarco/data/errors).
      - Success Folder Path: The relative folder path where successfully processed files will be moved (e.g., /gilbarco/data/success).
      - Server Server Address: This is the IP address our software uses to connect to the FTP server.
      - FTP Port: This is the port our software uses to connect to the FTP server. If set to zero, the default FTP port (21) will be used.
      - FTP User Name: This is the username that our software uses to connect to the FTP server.
      - FTP Password: This is the password that our software uses to access the FTP server.

      We recommend testing the settings you’ve entered by clicking the "Test Settings" button to ensure the parameters you provided are correct.

      Click the "Save" or "Save and Close" button to save your settings.

      Note: Once these settings are configured, you can begin importing data by clicking the "Import Data" button on the home screen.

    2. Fuel Types:

      This section allows you to configure the various types of fuel sold at your station:

      - From the home screen, click the "Settings" button in the top-left corner of the screen.
      - Click the "Fuel Type Setup" button
      - To add a fuel type, click the "Add" button and enter the following information:

      - Fuel Name: Enter the fuel name as you recognize it (e.g., Regular Unleaded).
      - Fuel Category: Select the fuel category from the drop-down list.
      - If the fuel is a blend of other fuels, check the "Is Blended" box, then select the Blend 1 grade and its blend ratio, followed by the Blend 2 grade and its blend ratio.
      - POS Fuel Grade ID: The POS fuel grade ID field lets you map the fuel grade ID from the data imported from the POS to this specific fuel type. (e.g., 101)
      - Initial Inventory: This should be the number of gallons currently in your station's tanks.

      Click the "OK" button to add the fuel type.

      Repeat the steps above to add all the fuel types.

    3. Fuel Tanks:

      This section lets you configure the different tanks available at your station:

      - From the home screen, click the "Settings" button in the top-left corner of the screen.
      - Click the "Fuel Tank Setup" button
      - To add a tank, click the "Add" button and enter at least the Tank Number, a description of the tank, and select the Fuel Type. The remaining information is optional.

      - Tank No: Enter a unique number that you wish to use to identify the tank.
      - Description: This is a description that helps you identify the tank, such as REGULAR UNLEADED, SUPER UNLEADED, etc.
      - Fuel Type: Select the fuel type stored in this tank.

      The remaining fields are optional; they provide additional details for your reference.

      Click the "OK" button to add the tank.

      Repeat the steps above to add all the tanks.

    4. Fuel Pumps:

      This section allows you to configure the various fuel pumps at your station:

      - From the home screen, click the "Settings" button in the top-left corner of the screen.
      - Click the "Fuel Pump Setup" button
      - To add a pump, click the "Add" button and enter at least the Pump Number and select the Fuel Tank. Although the remaining information is optional, we recommend that you also enter the position ID associated with the data imported from the FTP server.

      - Pump No: Enter a unique number that you wish to use to identify the pump.
      - Fuel Tank: Select the fuel tank that this pump is connected to.

      Click the "OK" button to add the pump.

      Repeat the steps above to add all the pumps.


    Now that your settings are configured, you can begin entering daily sales, purchases, expenses, taxes, and other information you want the software to track, you can enter this information directly from the home screen.

    The following are basic tutorials on how to manually enter each type of data, or, for certain data types, how to import them directly from the FTP server.

    1. Fuel Purchases:

      You can enter each invoice received from your fuel supplier(s). Please note that fuel purchase invoices must be entered manually.

      To enter an invoice, click the "New Invoice" link in the box titled "FUEL PURCHASES".

      - If the displayed date is incorrect, select the invoice date by clicking the "Change Date" button.
      - Enter the invoice number.
      - Select the supplier by clicking the "Select Supplier" button, or click "New Supplier" to add the supplier if they are not already in the system.
      - As shown on this screen, all the fuel types you've configured will be automatically listed, allowing you to enter the purchased gallons for each fuel type from the invoice.

      - For each type of fuel listed on the invoice, enter the following information:

      - Gross Gallons: (e.g., 5000).
      - Net Gallons: (e.g., 4996).
      - Net Cost/Gallon: (e.g., 3.48).
      - Federal Excise Tax: This is the amount of federal tax you were charged per gallon (e.g., 0.05).
      - State Excise Tax: This is the amount of state tax you were charged per gallon (e.g., 0.0005).
      - Other State Tax: This is the amount of general state tax you were charged per gallon (e.g., 0.35).
      - Sales Tax: This is the amount of sales tax you were charged per gallon (e.g., 0.65).

      Please note that the "Tax Amount" and the "Total Cost/Gallon" will be calculated automatically.

      Click the "Save" button to save the invoice.

    2. Store Purchases:

      You can enter each invoice received from your supplier(s) for store supplies. Please note that store purchase invoices must be entered manually.

      To enter an invoice, click the "New Invoice" link in the box titled "STORE PURCHASES".

      - If the displayed date is incorrect, select the invoice date by clicking the "Change Date" button.
      - Enter the invoice number.
      - Select the supplier by clicking the "Select Supplier" button, or click "New Supplier" to add the supplier if they are not already in the system.
      - For each item on the invoice, click the "Add Item" button to add it, and then enter the following information:

      - POS Code: This is the code used in the cash register to identify this item (e.g., SODA, or 99, etc.).
      - Description: The description of the item as it appears on the invoice.
      - Quantity: The quantity of the item received as listed on the invoice.
      - Amount: This is the total amount you were charged for the quantity of this item that you received.

      Click the "Save" button to save the item.

      Repeat the above steps for each item on the invoice, and when you're finished,

      Click the "Save" button on the invoice screen to save the invoice.

    3. Fuel Sales:

      Fuel sales can be entered manually or automatically imported if the data is available on the FTP server.

      To enter the fuel sales manually, click the "Edit Sales" link in the box titled "FUEL SALES".

      The sales must be entered by Pump.
      - For each pump, click the "Add" button and enter the following information:

      - Select the Pump from the drop-down list.
      - Enter a description.
      - Enter the number of gallons sold.
      - Enter the total sales amount.
      - Enter the regular price per gallon.
      - Enter the actual sale price per gallon.

      The remaining information is optional.

      Click the "Save" button to accept the sales information for this pump.

      Repeat the above steps to enter the sales for all the pumps, and when you're finished,

      Click the "Save" button on the Fuel Sales screen to save all the changes.

    4. Store Sales:

      Store sales can be entered manually or automatically imported if the data is available on the FTP server.

      To enter the store sales manually,

      - For each item, click the "Add Item" link in the box titled "STORE SALES"

      - Enter the POS Code of the item.
      - Enter a description.
      - Enter the regular price of the item.
      - Enter the actual sale price of the item.
      - Enter the sold quantity.
      - Enter the sales amount.

      The remaining information is optional.

      Click the "Save" button to save the item sales.

      Repeat the above steps to enter the sales for all the other items.

    5. Stick Readings:

      Stick reading must be entered manually for each tank.

      To enter the stick readings,

      - For each tank, click the "Add" link in the box titled "STICK READINGS"

      - Select the Tank from the drop-down list.
      - Enter the number of gallons.

      Click "Save".

      Repeat the above steps to enter the stick readings for all the tanks.

    6. Expenses:

      Expenses must be entered manually. These can include payments to vendors, tax payments, or any other costs you need to track as expenses.

      To enter an expense,

      - Click the "Add" link in the box titled "EXPENSES"

      - Select the Payment Method from the "Paid By" drop-down list.
      - Enter the reference number, if applicable. This could be a check number, transaction number, or similar identifier.
      - Enter the payment amount.
      - Select the date when this expense was paid.
      - Select the payee for this payment. You can choose the payee from the drop-down list or click the "Plus" button in the drop-down to add a new payee.
      - Enter a "Paid To Name".
      - If there is an invoice number associated with the payment, enter it in the "Invoice No" field.
      - Optionally enter a "Description".

      Click "OK" to save the entry.

    7. Tender Information:

      Tender Info can be entered manually or automatically imported if the data is available on the FTP server.

      To enter a tender,

      - Click the "Add" link in the box titled "TENDER INFORMATION"

      - Enter the tender code.
      - Enter the tender amount.

      Click "OK" to save the entry.

    8. Collected Tax:

      Collected taxes can be entered manually or automatically imported if the data is available on the FTP server.

      To enter a category of a collected tax,

      - Click the "Add" link in the box titled "COLLECTED TAX"

      - Tax Level ID: This is the ID used to identify the tax in the Gilbarco or another POS system.
      - Taxable Amount: This is the amount on which this tax was applied.
      - Collected Tax Amount: This is the amount of tax that was actually collected.

      The rest of the fields are optional.

      Click "Save" to save the entry.


    The following is a list of reports available for viewing from the Home screen.

    1. Daily Fuel Sales:

      This report provides a breakdown of fuel sales by pump, fuel type, and date. To view it, select the desired date from the calendar at the top of the Home screen, then click the "Daily Fuel Sales" button.

    2. Fuel Recon Report:

      This report displays the fuel recon report for a particular year, month, and fuel type. To view this report,

      Click the "Fuel Recon Report" button at the bottom of the Home screen.
      Select the type of fuel.
      Select the year and month for the report and click "OK".

    3. Detailed Reports:

      This screen allows you to view detailed information about sales, purchases, expenses, tender information, collected taxes, and store adjustments for a specific date.

      To view this data, click the "Detail Reports" button at the bottom of the Home screen. A list of available reports will appear on the left side of the screen. Select the desired date first, then click the button for the specific report you want to view.

    4. Data Import:

      The data import functionality can be initiated from the Home screen. This feature connects the application to the FTP server and automatically imports data from all files available in the Input Folder configured in the POS Polling FTP settings.

      To import the data, first make sure you have already configured the FTP settings under the "Settings" screen,

      - Click the "Import Data" button at the bottom of the Home screen.
      - You will be prompted to confirm if you want to proceed with the import. Click "Yes" to continue, and wait for the import to finish. A status update will be displayed once the import is complete.

Contact Information

3943 Irvine Blvd #604
Irvine, CA 92602
United States

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